New retune: Peugeot 406 2.2 HDI Saloon 215 HP, 422 NM

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Re: New retune: Peugeot 406 2.2 HDI Saloon 215 HP, 422 NM

Postby ecuedit » Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:34 am

:) hehe, yes it is beeing prepared, than i can "rev" it all the time again. It will be "sandwich"...simple is the best.

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Re: New retune: Peugeot 406 2.2 HDI Saloon 215 HP, 422 NM

Postby zowow » Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:20 pm

I too, have the same car as you, but a coupe!
sounds like you are very happy with your map

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Re: New retune: Peugeot 406 2.2 HDI Saloon 215 HP, 422 NM

Postby brandon888 » Fri May 10, 2013 1:31 am

how much is the map ?

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Re: New retune: Peugeot 406 2.2 HDI Saloon 215 HP, 422 NM

Postby ecuedit » Fri May 10, 2013 10:48 am

Depend on your hardware state and how much retunes has to be done to achieve desired power, because this is the top limit...
you can send a request here:


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Re: New retune: Peugeot 406 2.2 HDI Saloon 215 HP, 422 NM

Postby zok » Fri May 10, 2013 12:06 pm

Great work, congrats! :)

Where from Slovenia do you come from?

I see no smoke from the exhaust pipe - how did you make it with sutch low boost pressure? Is it a SOI map or something else?

I have troubles with response below 2000 rpm on my 1.9 dCi 74 kW (a huge turbo hole and turbo lag), it is a bit better with 1.9 dCi 88 kW SOI map, but just a bit. Will try another smoke map today if it is any good, but those SOI maps are still a big mystery to me, and my car is very difficult to drive on slow, curvy roads - too much gear shifting because of lack of torque below 2000 rpm and too much unexpected wheelspin above 2000 rpm.. :?

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Re: New retune: Peugeot 406 2.2 HDI Saloon 215 HP, 422 NM

Postby ecuedit » Fri May 10, 2013 2:04 pm

zok wrote:Great work, congrats! :)

Where from Slovenia do you come from?

I see no smoke from the exhaust pipe - how did you make it with sutch low boost pressure? Is it a SOI map or something else?

I have troubles with response below 2000 rpm on my 1.9 dCi 74 kW (a huge turbo hole and turbo lag), it is a bit better with 1.9 dCi 88 kW SOI map, but just a bit. Will try another smoke map today if it is any good, but those SOI maps are still a big mystery to me, and my car is very difficult to drive on slow, curvy roads - too much gear shifting because of lack of torque below 2000 rpm and too much unexpected wheelspin above 2000 rpm.. :?

yes car has 215hp 422 nm without smoke. Stock 130hp 315nm ;)
to achieve that you have to recalculate at least 100maps...

you probably have very bad can also solve lag with more density exhaust gasses - not with smoke but to be very close to smoke, good timing, good fuel pressure, proper fueling and fuel limiters. You can also help yourself with N75 calibration and so on.

Slovenia --> Savinjska dolina :)

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Re: New retune: Peugeot 406 2.2 HDI Saloon 215 HP, 422 NM

Postby zok » Tue May 21, 2013 2:03 pm

...or I can replace a hydraulic valve lifter that was damaged few months ago because the timing belt failure... :crazy: I ordered 8 new valve lifters, I will replace them all. Still don't know how could I miss sutch a typical consequence... :eh:

You really impressed me with that tune. I'm looking for a 1800 bar FRP sensor. :twisted:

Another question: did you modify linearisation maps, or did you just fool the ECU to work with new values (like ECU wants 1000 bar, but in fact it's 1200 bar, etc) and modify maps to reach for the optimum?

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Re: New retune: Peugeot 406 2.2 HDI Saloon 215 HP, 422 NM

Postby ecuedit » Tue May 21, 2013 4:03 pm

I do not fake ECU - never ever.
Linearisation has to be done for new cheating ;) is allowed.

If you had timing belt faulure than you have damaged camshaft .

Because of:

Sprockets are "hot pressed" on camshafts and they turned a little bit, so you have not good can not repair them :S
I have one pair off them spare :)

When you get timing belt failure on that engine, first what happens is that camshafts slip on that hot pressed area,
than rocker arms get broken and after that if you have no luck valve brakes (the valve is 90 degrees positioned compared to piston) so you must be unlucky...:P

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Re: New retune: Peugeot 406 2.2 HDI Saloon 215 HP, 422 NM

Postby zok » Wed May 22, 2013 9:48 am

It all happened at 800 rpm, and the engine was still running (the timing belt slipped for one tooth), I had to shut the engine down manually. I hope nothing is damaged (except the valve lifter) - the car has 313k km on the clock, so I don't want to invest any big money into repairs and mods. :oops: We'll see. :)

I'm into linearisation learning right now, VAG EDC Suite has MAP and MAF linearisation maps included, so I guess it's a good way to start.. :?

I won't ask you for help, because I know you had to do a lot of work to get where you are now, and I want to get there all by myself too. :geek: 8-)

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Re: New retune: Peugeot 406 2.2 HDI Saloon 215 HP, 422 NM

Postby sablac » Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:02 pm

share some pictures of saturday works :mrgreen:

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