Question is, will you have to reverse engineer the sensor signal all over again? If the sensor is more common, it might be worth it..? Peugeot P/N seems '1920GW' other info is quite hard to find to me..Finchy wrote:Browsing around this sensor is hard to come by in the UK and very expensive. Can the 1800 bar sensor from the.1.6 HDI not be used?
Finchy wrote:Browsing around this sensor is hard to come by in the UK and very expensive. Can the 1800 bar sensor from the.1.6 HDI not be used?
joost wrote:Hahahah, this is amazing..!
Though, the torque is not quite yet to my liking.. ;) Disregarding the different dyno's our cars have been tested on, your 'IQ93' map on my car produces (exactly) 20.0 Nm more, I won't care to 'lose' 20 Nm since I know peugeot stock setup cannot handle 441.9 Nm. Probably it will be able to handle 421.9Nm. And, I'm pretty confident that the clutch can handle the 214.8 BHP. Ofcourse I'm not sure yet...
Now, my own map peaks at 2319rpm (441.9Nm) and this one peaks at 2603rpm, and by looking at the curve, the torque does not 'explode' from 1500rpm onwards.. Though, I'm pretty sure this detail will be optimised over time.. ;)
I'm very very interested in the further development of this..! :D
VW MAP sensor can be found here:
Opel 1.7 CDTI Fuel rail pressure sensor is a bit harder to find.
I have found 2 at a dutch website common for car scrap-yards/breakers (onderdelenlijn). The only eBay ad I've found is this one: This website claims to sell them, but is currently out of stock:
I guess this one is slightly more expensive, but if you're kind of lucky you'll probably be able to find the sensor locally by searching for it's Bosch P/N: 0 281 002 398.
And, yeah, I'm confident enough to order a pair of these sensors.. :D
ecuedit wrote:Torque at low rpm can be done as same as at your tune.
The main trick is in SOI and fueling at low rpm ;)
just say i wish xxx nm at xxx rpm and here it goes :lol:
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