by dmcc16 » Wed May 04, 2016 1:01 am
Hi everyone,
Over the weekend I was working on a VW Passat PD130 AVF EDC15P ECU no. 038906019EP. I downloaded the original ECU map file using MPPS and created a remap file from it. After writing the file with no issues the ECU bricked and I had to recover it using my bench setup. After recovering the ECU and loading the map file I quickly tested it in the car which started no problem so I then removed it once more to reseal the ECU. After resealing it and putting it back in the car the engine would not start and the glow plug relay was continuously clicking while cranking the engine. I plugged in VCDS which could not communicate with the ECU and MPPS could neither read from nor write to the ECU. I again removed the ECU and recovered it on the bench reflashing the original file and the car ran perfectly again. I've triple checked the remap file, all maps are correct and the checksums are correct. The correct vehicle selection in the dropdown was double checked before reading and writing. Has anyone every experienced this before and is it likely a fault with the ECU itself? I've been using this software for over a year and remapped numerous VAG EDC15 and 16 ECUs using this software and never had this issue before.
Any insight into the problem I would greatly appreciate.
Many thanks,
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