please help with t4 ajt

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please help with t4 ajt

Postby zule » Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:23 pm

Hi to all, I have a VW T4 2.5TDI AJT with 88hp/65kw.
I generally rebuilt engine, new turbo, change the stanadyne(ajt 0.190) injectors, put the bosch(acv 0.205) injectors from acv 102hp.
My problem is the following the T4 have a lot of black smoke when gives gas or when going uphill.
I read that the parameters must be change for the injectors.
I read with MPPS the ECU(Bosch 074906018B EDC15VM+) map but do not know how to change the map.
I leave the file that I read from T4.
Whether someone can help me with the map, of course I would like to have a couple of HP. more if possible because it is very lazy motor.
For any kind of help I thank in advance, I hope to solve this problem.
Forgot to write that with MPPS I could not read, write normal mode he wanted only in slow speed (recovery mode) read and write.
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