New member from california

Please take a moment and introduce yourself to the ECUEDIT community in this forum. Please do not skip this.

New member from california

Postby tomasito » Mon Sep 02, 2013 1:11 am

I am new to ECU tunning. I apologize in advance for any of my noob ignorance.
I am from california, I have a 2005 MB SLK350 , that badly needs an ECU map make it come alive.
I am no computer programmer, but I have an engineering background.
I hope you guys will help and guide me in my quest to educate myself in ECU tunning.

How do I get started can somebody point me to the right direction?

Best regards,

New user
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2013 1:00 am
Location: california

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