waynemodz wrote:Hi,
I would like to just point out a few pointers for those tuning EDC15P as beginners.
IQ to HP (@ 4000 rpm)
100hp - 36mg
130hp - 44mg
160hp - 58mg
190hp - 69mg (This is where I think duration's must stop on PD100 setups)
210hp - 76mg
222hp - 80mg (This is where I think duration's must stop on PD130/PD160 setups)
IQ to mBar (@ 4000 rpm)
100hp - 2000mbar
130hp - 2260mbar
160hp - 2400mbar
190hp - 2480mbar
210hp - 2533mbar
No need to change on stock turbo, avoid requesting higher than the manufactures SVBL
Always make sure SVBL is greater than you target by atleast 50mbar
SOI / Start Of Injection
Leave this oem on std turbos
SVRL / Popcorn Limiter
"obere Drehzahlschwelle für Abschaltung der Einspritzung" if you have a damos,
always found in sequence 5300 50 6000.
Torque Limiter
Look at PD130 vs PD160 Torque limiter. don't ever raise entire TL by a common factor,you will attract boost spikes and end up
with results like : 510nm 190hp for a PD130 tune, the shape changes to achieve this :
stage 1 410nm 160hp, stage 2 410nm 190hp
You can also use the torque limiter to remove boost spikes cause by injection.
Boost Limiter / Boost Target
Always calculate this correctly, work withing your actual pressure, log group 11 with the car switched off,
remember 2500 mBar request @ 950mbar atmospheric = 1.55 bar output on the turbo, 2500 mBar @ 800 atmospheric = 1.7 bar,
You must correct this value in the boost limit map, for example a GT1749VA should not output more than 1.45bar @ 4000 rpm , so absolute 800mBar @ 4000 RPM should be 2200 mBar.
EGT / Exhaust Gas Temperature
Too much IQ, results in a lower AFR, which causes higher EGT's,
Its important the fuel/boost combination is correct, as you will cause excessive wear on the pistons/turbo/injectors.
Make sure you log the MAF for the smoke limiter.
You have to use an EGT to make a perfect tune but try to keep EOI under 10, and dont advance SOI too much,
You should be fine, make sure the tune doesnt smoke too much, if it does, reduce durations.
Max Boost on turbos (@4000rpm)
GT1749v - 1250mBar
KKK KP39 - 1250mBar
GT1749va - 1450mBar
GT1749vb - 1550mBar
KKK BV39a - 1550mBar
Never hold this levels or more after 4000 RPM, Try to keep the OEM boost from 4500 to 5000rpm.
You need to log the following, but log one group at a time for 3rd gear and you can log both on 4th.
Group 11 - Turbo control
Group 3 - MAF (use this readings for the smoke limiter, 2150mbar = 780 mg/str, 780/17 = NO MORE than 45,8mg required
Also check torsion value if 0 or within spec,
Check status of injectors as well.
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