Advertise packages

3 PLACES AVAILABLE. Package includes: banner at the slider on the bottom of the each page: 611px x 161px, Link and alt/title text on hover of the banner, Sponsor badge.

Advertise packages

Postby ecuedit » Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:58 pm

Advertise package


Package includes:

1. Banner at the slider on the bootom of the each page: 611px x 161px
2. Link and alt/title text on hover of the banner
3. Sponsor badge

You need to provide us:

1. banner in jpg or png format size 611 x 161
2. text that will appear on the picture when pointing mouse/cursor on it
3. url/link to the website that will open when clicking on banner

you need to send that to:
subject of the email: Advertise package ECUEDIT


1 year term 200€
2 year tern 350€
5 year term 700€

For more details, contact us at

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