1.9 BJB PD with V10 injectors

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1.9 BJB PD with V10 injectors

Postby fanvw » Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:12 pm

Hello, I need help calibrating SOI and duration maps for a 1.9 PD 105 hp with V10 injectors fitted. Is there any tutorial or an EXCELL to help me do the math?

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Re: 1.9 BJB PD with V10 injectors

Postby ckh091020 » Sun Jul 19, 2020 1:04 am

Do a search on Wiki S4 , they have a very rich information about how to scale new injectors

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Re: 1.9 BJB PD with V10 injectors

Postby arazvan2002 » Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:29 pm

Start by exporting durations from the same engine where you got the injectors. There are 4 types of V10, which ones do you have? They are mostly 2 types, PDE1.1 and PDE1.4, so different BIP also.

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