Hello could someone help me out ppd170 cast an eye over it ?

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Hello could someone help me out ppd170 cast an eye over it ?

Postby Ianl1979 » Sun Aug 20, 2017 10:23 am

Hi everyone.
This is the file I have on my leon fr.
Spec is: DPF removed, egr is on a reducer plate. .
Straight pipe (fitted last week so not incorporated into the map)
Airbox modified (opened up inside?) Standard filter
Also fresh injectors installed after the dreaded injector faliure.
I was wondering if anyone could put a hardcut/popcorn limiter on here for me .
Also I was wondering (not a request just info) is it possible to place switchable maps on the ecu using cruise control switch to change them ? I'm sure iv seen it some were but wasn't sure if it was on a pd170 or the cr170.
Also is it possible to add nls?
Could someone just cast an eye over the map itself not to sure kind of map it is . The car pulls ok I know it's a diesel but it seems to start running out around 3.8k rpm yet I thought it would drop off a little later around 4.2k. ? If I'm right in what I was told car should be running around220bhp I haven't a clue on torque figure maybe someone has a rough idea..
Thanks for taking the time to have a read and hopefully thanks for helping me out.
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